Fertile Fields of Bethel – Silage

In Documentary, Long-Form - Clips

This is a clip from the documentary “The Fertile Fields of Bethel,” which describes the process of cutting and storing silage. Director/Editor: Douglas Chambers Narrator: Ted Carr Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro Color Graded in Davinci Resolve

Sunburst – The Town

In Documentary, Long-Form - Clips

In this clip from the “Sunburst” documentary, we learn about everything that the logging town of Sunburst had to offer for its many residents. It truly was a thriving town, not just a small village. Director/Editor: Douglas Chambers Producer: Evelyn Coltman, Bethel Rural Community Organization Narrator: Craig S. Messer Music: Possum On A Whale

Sunburst – Relocating The Town

In Documentary, Long-Form - Clips

In this clip from the “Sunburst” documentary, interview subjects reveal why the logging village known as Sunburst was moved to a new location, while the original village became known as Spruce. Director/Editor: Douglas Chambers Producer: Evelyn Coltman, Bethel Rural Community Organization Narrator: Craig S. Messer Music: Possum On A Whale

PSCC Mission Teams – Excerpt

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This video was produced for Park Slope Community Church in Brooklyn, NY. It was intended to show potential mission teams what to expect when they come to work with PSCC. Footage was shot during two mission trips to PSCC. Writer, Camera Operator & Editor: Douglas Chambers Narrator: Zachary Williams Shot with Canon XA-10 & Panasonic AG-AC130 Edited in Grass Valley …

From New College to Springdale – The End of Springdale School

In Documentary, Long-Form - Clips

This video features Dick Alexander, Jr. discussing the end of the Springdale School, which was started by his father in the late 1930s after the New College Community program was ended. The Springdale School property was sold and eventually became the Springdale Country Club. Camera Operator & Editor: Douglas Chambers Copyright © Bethel Rural Community Organization, Inc.

From New College to Springdale – The New College Farm & Jobs

In Documentary, Long-Form - Clips

This video features Richard Alexander, Jr. discussing the New College Community, a unique program started by Columbia University in the early 1930s. The community was part of the University’s Teachers’ College, but was located near Canton & Waynesville, NC. Students would attend New College in the summer for some unique rural education experiences. Camera Operator & Editor: Douglas Chambers Copyright …

West Virginia Missions – VBS at Horse Creek Church – Excerpt

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This is an excerpt from a video produced for Riverside Baptist Church. The video documents a mission trip to McDowell County, West Virginia, where Riverside Baptist Church organized a one-day Bible School at the Horse Creek Church of the Living God. The 30-minute video was produced to show members of Riverside who did not go on the trip what their …